Saturday, March 13, 2010

Toshiba Network Camera – User Login

Going Gonzo

Tasty bio of Hunter S. Thompson, who recently published the always impeccable editions Tristram, "Hunter S. Thompson, journalist and off-the-law "by William McKeen, who is full of anecdotes and hallucinated hallucinating!


"Music has always been for me a matter of energy, fuel. People speak of emotional inspiration, but in fact they mean fuel. "

Hunter $. Thompson

"I go down the mountain road at 195 km / h and continue straight, breaking the barrier and suspended above it all ... And I'll be there on the seat before, fully naked, a case of whiskey next to me and dynamite in the trunk ... to press the horn, headlights light, I would stay there in the middle of space, a little while, a suicide bomber, then I would fall in this mess of steel mills. this would be quite a blast, huge. "

Hunter $. Thompson

(illustration by Ralph Steadman Dr. Duke, a friend and illustrator of books and articles assigned Thompson)


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