Friday, March 4, 2011

Cubefield Coffee Table 2


"These young Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid , Gafsa Bizerte, Tunis, but also, have given people a central place in managing the transition from this high place of the revolution Tunisia. A month and a half after the fall Ben Ali's regime , political and social inertia in which they saw the country bogged down caused them to fear that no steals their revolution. They came back, determined to give voice to their frustration. "

Community Hours Letter For Court In Ontario

Pomerand GABRIEL (1925-1972)

How Do They Test Softball Bats

Eating the heart, it will now give you!

pic I shamefully ticket Dada but it's for a good cause.

Eating The Heart organize vast national collection today and tomorrow in French hypermarkets and supermarkets ... So give what you can.

Thanks for your help.

I invite all bloggers and all bloggers to take note of the Dada for a maximum exposure of this appeal for donations. Thank you to everyone

History Of Caribbean Clothing

75% of French people do not trust Nicolas Sarkozy (03-2011)

Like every month I delight you disseminate the survey TNS-Sofres for Le Figaro magazine to focus on "the coast of confidence" from the executive.

And month after month, tireless, the movement is how bearish said Jean-Pierre Gaillard Brongniart Palace. It me it's descent into the abyss continues to reach a confidence rating of 22%. Lowest score seen since May 6, 2007.

dint of being taken for chitterlings by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French, lucid, make him pay by not having confidence in him at all. How could it be otherwise?

Now he has found nothing better than to comprise cross party Puy fight against the barbarians and to ensure the primacy of French Christianity. This man is definitely a danger to national unity, the French nation is not Christian, Jewish or Muslim, it is secular and that's why we love France.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Put Sticker On Fingerboard


Guillaume Robin, author of a recent essay devoted to lettrism (Hermann) Friday, March 4 will be the guest of Alain Veinstein as part of his show from one day to day (23h30/minuit).

Could Choking On Water Cause Pneumonia?

Gaddafi kills his people what to do?

Right now I'm too much time write to me but now it itches a little on a subject that is not too happy. While some will tell you about as seriously as Zemmour others will be talking about feminism in the blogosphere or campaign ethics, I want my side to talk about Gaddafi and his atrocities against his people.

Watching a news channel late last night I understood that the U.S. and Britain were or would support armed intervention in Libya. Cons by France is not of that opinion and wider "Europe" either. You will notice that for the occasion, Europe does not include the British.

It does remind you of anything? The war in Iraq that you say something?

Yet the British and Americans have changed respectively Prime Minister and President and even then these two are not the same political color as their predecessors. This means if all were upset. But culturally American and British peoples are alike get together and always ready to give the gun when they deem it necessary.

France has a long tradition of political attention that sometimes it has been fatal (Hey Mr. Daladier), with the French we discuss, we parley, negotiate, calculate, it is seen, in short it seeks by all means to avoid military intervention.

but guess what, in our case, it appears if we are to believe all sources of information available that guide the Libyan revolution behaves as a good dictator suppressing his people at once shells, missiles or bullets of AK47. He took advantage of having kept his hand over his weapon contrary to his pals Ben Ali and Mubarak who they were released by the military.

So personally I wonder about the action, we must wait and negotiate? But negotiate what and with whom? Gaddafi seemed desperate to keep his seat, I do not see much make any concessions.

Should we send some drones to bomb the presidential palace? In this case we should fall into what trap? What would the reaction of the Arab world with which France has a certain prestige for many long years and especially since Jacques Chirac's refusal to participate in the war in Iraq.

So I'm very reserved position on the wait-Sarkozy and hesitant armed intervention. In fact none of these solutions seems to me to emerge. But he'll have to do something well, because during that time, Gaddafi kills his freedom-loving people.

I'd like to know the opinion of my distinguished colleagues The Cuckoo Yann , Falcon , Nicolas, Romain , Rimbus , Stef , Corto on this thorny issue seriously.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Make A Bracelet That Looks Like The I


" Is it not necessary to give the citizen the freedom to focus on things of the city, as jurors today or yesterday Athenian citizens? N 'Is not it useful to take advantage of the free development of each donation? True, yesterday it was neither possible nor necessarily desirable. In France, it became possible and desirable - because of mass unemployment, education, democratic, empowerment of women - and throughout the XXI th century, developed countries will turn to these solutions simple, modern, fair. I propose the creation of a citizen's income. It would be a guaranteed income for all, about 850 euros. Suffice to say the bare minimum. No luxury, all who live will tell you. But a base to build a dignified life and free: that income would be declining to a Median income levels around 1500 euros. Finally, the income would create a moral commitment to pursue an activity - work, training, volunteer associations, trade union or political commitment, artistic creativity. Coupled with a thorough reform of the income tax, merged with the CSG, made more progressive and deducted at source, this income can be paid in real time in case of loss of income, without the delays that are disastrous rule of our social benefits. It will be financed largely by a reallocation of existing aid, for savings of administrative costs of aid increases and targeted tax, VAT and top slices of income tax . "

Dominique de Vilepin creation-of-a-citizen-income

The proposal is surprising coming from a former minister who in his time had tried unsuccessfully to impose his first job contract (CPE) which promised to Youth integration at a discount. His proposal is yet seductive (rationalization and simplification of redistribution, inclusion of activities beyond the mere salaried productive) but come to look at several points deserve Reflection:

  • in terms of social justice: the approach of the former minister based on the overall wealth redistribution established to consider the collective perspective of an excess of the wage, each citizen "secured" by assuring him that mattress office essentials (shelter, clothing, food) could, according to his inclinations supplement the basic income from paid employment, engage in other activities of social utility or fully indulge his passions. This speech is intended to give up and recognition of activities previously held in the margins of a society based on economic reason. She also intends to meet the challenge of structural unemployment never stopped: full employment type "industrial" is over, we must change the paradigm and find alternative models to a declining wage. In times of shortage, why "lose his life and times" in precarious jobs, part time for a pittance? Is not it more beneficial to the individual and society (social cohesion, adhesion of the individual to the activity that prevents the deleterious effects anomic unemployment and insecurity when the work is the norm) that focuses on areas where there may indeed find personal fulfillment? The idea is indeed tempting and is not irrelevant. However, this equality guaranteed minimum removes the specific reality of inequality that fragment society: the winners of the school system can still access an optimal income by finding the best seats on the job market, "losers" who wish to access the space of wage without having the title will always be satisfied with the margins " cultural "or" social "(animator neighborhood?). Worse, there is a risk of social determinism and find justification and legitimacy, when the school system prohibits the acquisition by its selection of titles needed, when the labor market does not recognize that these titles, it's almost a hoax to speak of "freedom" of a social situation that is selected then suffered a disqualification, the product of a meritocracy that would benefit from school she also reformed. Moreover, this principle of equality must be questioned in light of equity and Justice: Is it fair to give everyone the same income when some people probably need more because of the difficulties they face and others by the income they receive from their economic activity does in will probably never need. Finally, wary of the deleterious effects of such an approach: access to wage labor has allowed women to win their emancipation, not a risk we not send them back to the domestic sphere (the famous current debates about the importance of motherhood are chilling ...) assuming a structural inability to make them their rightful place on the job market and thereby enhancing activities "Self-employed? Young people live without economic independence increasingly dependent on family with all the arbitrariness that implies (those who are "well-born," those who are "born evil "...), how to think his citizenship, full, real, effective, without such autonomy?

  • - in economic terms: the former minister left shares with the same Malthusian logic: the volume of available jobs continues to shrink as a trickle, it is an irreversible historical process and he must share the wealth produced and find alternatives to this depletion, reorganize the economy and society. But to create wealth, it is still necessary that goods and services can be valued on a market, to redistribute must still produce and want to produce (economic growth) and collect (tax policy). The state of poverty of many citizens in terms of wealth created globally is a legitimate scandal: no response to this scarcity of economically valued spaces, citizens are likely to be sentenced to not merely that of "minimum wage" and France to resemble the defunct Soviet Union (equality in misery). It this historical process and the responses that we must reject Malthusian: the only redistribution is in no way guarantees a real social justice. The most amazing thing in this forum is that the former minister seems to oppose these activities: environmental, social, culture and art are in her eyes disinterested activities, preserved in their "purity" of reason and its economic iron laws. And conversely if all his initiatives came from the "free" could find a market, be valued on a market, or even create new markets (new supply and new demand)? From this point of view, it there can be no distributive justice for all without satisfactory growth dynamics, multiplication of goods and services and it would be more appropriate to establish a credit toward the launch of dissatisfied young squares and proposed rents, which have so much talent just waiting to be exercised differently: a public center (as the private annuity is only focused on speculation) would advance funds to start a new economic activity, would discuss the relevance ( crowded market, enabling, innovative?) accompanying the beneficiary in its implementation, consolidation ... The realization of course, economic success and wealth creation in the interest of all (jobs, wages, redistribution) are not mutually exclusive, quite the contrary! NO TO POVERTY AND THE SHORTAGE IN ABUNDANCE YES

To read the analysis by Denis Clerc: The idea of a basic income, an attractive idea ... and dangerous

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PS: Martine working hard

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How To Get Semen Stain Out

Ties February 2011

As in January I issued 34 tickets during the month of February.

I get to see my little Blog Link 156 times by 64 different sources (my record).

Thank you to all friends and bloggers all blogging friends who supported me (in both senses). Vive les Blogs!

Here is the list of all these sources:

At the counter of the Comet
's Blog Gabale
Notebook Yann Savidan
100 000 V
Sharing my Notice The cuckoo
Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, where it is
At El Camino
To you the honor
La Maison du Faucon
Another Life
Between Music and Politics
Sharing feasts
Bah! My opinion
interests you
Arnaud Mouillard
aulnay media and political blabber
Lyonnitude (s)
Rimbus blog
Ruminance The lump

In Homer
Philippe Méoule
To tell you the truth ...
The journal Stress
Lawrence's blog Grandsimon
Something to say
In everything and anything, especially anything besides
backstage Sarkofrance
I have nothing to say! so what?
blog pollux
Section socialist island Ré
Peoples Sun
The privileged to speak French ...
My Mulhouse
The ramblings NRV cui cui said the bird.
From small world Gildan
Mulhouse My blog 100% ORGANIC
Trublyonne see life in red
Stellar Tracker
Garner Falcon
Me, I
Moods cows
Alter Oueb
The rénovitude
I rarely wrong ...
dadavidov homepage
Seen z'ou Read it!
Desires for the Future 77 Crecy
jewelry polymer "Little P
The Agitator, webzine of Bourges and elsewhere
art singular in Provence

list generated from the information Blog Top Wikio by Jegounotron