Monday, January 24, 2011

Men Touching Women In Bus

Big hole

It's called "the loop". First, there is a small mile canal, you pass over the highway and you find yourself River before finishing skirting a lake with a cathedral in the background. Five kms where a nearly flat p anel of household over 50 years confronts Sunday morning. The pros are several towers. This is the place where I burn my fat as he said the good doctor. I do not know if we all the same doctor but is likely to make combustion tests.

Invariably there is one who comes to striding , slows to my height and balance:

- I do not know what it is but it's hard this morning. The wind pe be ut ...

- Yeah ...

Always the same kind of bird feathers goretexfluoréthermoconducteur pub with Audi and heart incorporated. Love these guys. Despite grunts, gasps, borborygmi, crachouillis they remain by your side and type a fascinating conversation:

- the other side is full of puddles to the bridge , that's why I came here this morning ... but hey

- humpf, yeah .... anyway you got a beautiful stride.

- Question usual. And this week there not fishing contest, damn last week, ah badgers!

Well, another tough. We must play it fine but I comments to master this, it is a matter of timing . Just after his sentence let a silence for him to hear my breath though exhausted, humpff, drop the lower lip and swinging in a sigh

- excuse me, but it's always the same from the 20th ..

- ah well, you ... you ...

- ... went to 6 hours but then I a bit of trouble ... it's the "big hole"

There he is mature, is just lower eyelids modes ment and make a small gesture of the hand:

- go ahead, I have to pass the course, going y.

And then he walks away from her beautiful dainty stride. I feel that gam bank.

"Big Hole" has to be said with the intonation hyper concerned that the guy has already plumbed the depths of its physical resources. It's so lame that it Impara wheat.

the evening I see the big TV President running with nice outfit. Who knows why I think he has the face of a guy who fucks a "big hole". I wonder e if he will make several laps.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where Does The Cookie Patch Go


Escape pathetic despot's Ben Ali's Tunisia allows end (temporary?) To a corrupt regime, unable to meet the aspirations and basic needs of its citizens. To those who were satisfied by the clique of Ben Ali as a bulwark against political Islam that is gaining ground for years as an exemplary figure of the opposition in the Maghreb (Algeria, not without success), the Tunisian society has demonstrated that it accounted for its mobilizing crown the most advanced of a desire for social reform, economic and political. We must emphasize the role of youth in the vanguard the challenge has literally put the "fire to the powder": true living contradiction of a system that massification of higher education so as to offer to the winners of the universities that poverty and unemployment. Of course, inequalities of wealth, the absence of redistribution, the dreaded effects spasms of globalization on fragile economies (higher raw material) the cooptation of all means by a power and loved ones ... explain the exasperation of Tunisians. But neither the liberal interpretations of the data, nor those of Marxism (and what about deciphering "ethnic" or "religious") can not account for the dynamic has represented the youth in this social movement to scale: the Eradication of Poverty, job application in relation to qualifications, freedom of opinion and expression, not the "nihilistic revolution" but the desire for reform to access the existence and recognition! Certainly, nothing is settled yet, relatives of Ben Ali will not hear so quickly to waive their privileges and their annuities undue social movement may be recovered, trapped and betrayed by reactionary political forces (Islamists) and the especially since a significant part of political opponents in exile, but the student youth posing the problem as the problem reveals a closed society is at this moment a progressive force that can come by the expected transformation of the Tunisian society. Its applications are numerous: the political and economic, it will suffice to a new majority, democratically designated by the next election, let go a few concessions here and there to be left with the anger came as May 68 of Universities (qu an warned Ben Ali was quick to close). It's a real ambitious economic reforms including with young people and youth that need it attached. Finally, as already noted Isou, the army is not only the military arm of despotic power, "the class enemy", but a collection of external whose refusal to speak at events marked a solidarity with the protest and has surprised many a commentator. Other countries would be well advised to "take note" of the Tunisian example, not only elsewhere (Egypt, Algeria in particular with the youth on-graduate is condemned to poverty) but also here in Europe. It will be noticed how in these historical circumstances personnel policy France is decidedly below everything from the hilarious Frederic Mitterrand indigence a Alliot Marie, these people tell us how they will address in due course an uprising of the French youth ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What To Buy For Nerf Party At Home


"(...) After the civil war of the 90s, we'd be gone in a "cold civil war, a widespread confrontation without a weapon", as our historian thinks? With each time to burn the same symbols: the symbols of a state outside the company, post office, town halls, schools, places who no longer fulfill their missions of public services but which are "instruments of power. "While liberalism exacerbates social inequalities and opens opportunities to a privileged minority. A Belcourt, Younes and his burned the town hall annex, the museum of martyrs of the war of national liberation, and they looted a store of clothes and plasma TVs, or the public service, nor the market liberal outsiders have found through their eyes. "They want to break us, they soon we will counters the neck to make us pay for the air we breathe. By demonstrating, we sent a message to government: we will not apologize for being alive. "

Ghania Mouffock

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Volkl Catapault Racquets


The right proposes to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 16 years ? If you're an adult at 16, answered Emmanuelle Becker, councilor of Paris (CPF) and Ian Brossat , chairman of the CPF / PG Council of Paris, then it should lower the voting at the same age.

(...) Unfortunately, the list of what is denied to the youth does not stop there, and that's the problem. No work for her, since "non-employment of youth (or low-cost production: freelancing, internships, freelance) serves as an adjustment variable in the policy of" non-battle "against unemployment. No home no job since (which incidentally is not enough to pay rent, much less to buy a property). No retreat tomorrow, either. And we note with sociologist Louis Chauvel that "the last of the early retirees wealthy baby boomers decide to depletion generations born too late, silent victims of issues where their absence is deliberately organized " ( World of January 3, 2010). Let us remember in this regard the ministers of condescension when protests against pension reform, which referred the little ones (high school, so soon condemned by a court of law) in their studies.

More and more experts, academics, but also young and old alike evoke a "lost generation", as it was "lost generation" after the bloodbath of the first World War. They are right. Young people today have not atoned for the crimes of their fathers in the trenches, they pay for them every day in their studies (degraded, no market) in their work, their health and well- be. It is time to hear them. Considering them as full members of our society and our democracy from 16 years. Not to send some to jail. Not wait for their entry (real) labor (whose average age is declining, it is around 30 years today). Not wait until they are owners (forty years later), or retired (Maybe). Some are asking the youth to better respect them: they would still have to respect the youth.

Carnation Breakfast Essentials Good For You?


ALGIERS (AP) - Youths burned buildings and threw stones at police Wednesday night in the popular district of Bab el-Oued, Algiers, leaving vent their anger against chronic unemployment affecting them and the recent price increases of essential commodities.

Police officers patrolled the neighborhood Thursday in which tensions remained palpable. Wednesday night, a police station and a mobile phone shop were burned.

These days, milk, sugar and flour have increased. Young Algerians are increasingly dissatisfied with the unequal distribution of wealth of their country.

Some admit to having been inspired by their neighbors Tunisian protest in recent weeks against unemployment. These violent protests left at least three dead. AP

Meanings Of The Colour Of Shag Bands


all started Friday, December 17. Bouazizi Mohamed, an unemployed graduate of 26 years, attempts to end his days in sprays himself with gasoline and struck a match on the main square in Sidi Bouzid (center), just outside the prefecture. He intends to protest against the confiscation of his goods by municipal agents and, more generally, against a life of poverty: why go to school, if for sell vegetables at the market. The next day, dozens, then hundreds of young people participating in a sit-in outside the governor's seat. Which makes them chase by police with tear gas and batons. The city ignites, quickly imitated by other towns in the region. The crackdown fueling protests. December 22, another young, Houcine Neji, commits suicide in front of the crowd, Menzel Bouzaiane, by clinging to power lines: "I want no more poverty and unemployment" , Cree Does the crowd. The village comes into convulsions. Protesters burned three police cars, the offices of the Democratic Constitutional Rally (RCD, in power), a National Guard station and a freight train ... On 24, the police fired live ammunition, killing one protester, Mohammed Ammari, 18, hit in the chest. Self-defense argues the police. A second protester, Chawki Hidri, seriously injured, died on 1 st January.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wainscoating In Bathroom

accounts of cruel youth 3

From a tibune Louis Chauvel in The world: "What are the symptoms of this evil-being? The most visible are problems of youth. We know, thirty-five years after the extension of mass unemployment, youth has served as an adjustment variable. Record unemployment, falling wages and living standards, job insecurity, development of pockets of working almost free (internships, freelancing, freelancer, exemption from charges, etc..), A new youth poverty, health problems and low care utilization, no horizon readable.

Within a decade, we have not progressed - that is an understatement. We observe a triple downgrade. First school, youth are now middle class in terms of degrees, but below the working class in terms of revenues. Beyond the value of qualifications, decommissioning is also intergenerational, with an expected increase of social paths descending from parents.

It is also systemic, since the fall of generations, what are their future social rights that are challenged: their human development today, their ability to raise their children tomorrow, and pensions after tomorrow. It is therefore reducing the social system as a whole, not just that of individuals. Above all, a general frustration invades the minds before the accumulation of broken promises: the return to full employment through the retirement of the first-born baby boomers (Teulade report of 1999), better jobs by academic growth in a context where labor alone can no longer shelter. It follows anger, even hatred, which is clearly detected in the youth of 2010 and the movement on pensions has channeled Paradoxically.

Nevertheless, the symptoms, not diagnostic. It is the collective refusal to look at our long term lucid, and profoundly Conservative annuitant of French society as a whole. The behavior of the wealthy French heritage accumulating life insurance and empty homes, like their grandparents squeezed their bullion, is the same reluctance. " article/2011/01/03/les-jeunes-sont-mal-partis_1460368_3232.html ens_id # = 1433180

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mini Portable Colour Television For Sale


Qualified Employment continues to grow, but the decommissioning of the generations that come on the market Employment is not a fantasy. An analysis of Louis Maurin, director of the Observatory inequality, taken from off series "Generations," the magazine Alternatives Economiques.

Younger generations are they "downgraded"? Will they find a social destiny less favorably than their elders? The recession has reignited the debate. The answer depends on the measuring instruments used. Over time, our companies continue to expand, which benefits the succeeding generations. In addition, upward social mobility [ 1] remain, for now, more likely than downward mobility. But younger generations have not dreamed of: the decommissioning is far from a fantasy. Downwards mobility increase, the same degrees no longer allow access to the same jobs and employment conditions deteriorated markedly. Young people are much more heavily than previous generations the consequences of the crisis.

following article: