The right proposes to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 16 years ? If you're an adult at 16, answered Emmanuelle Becker, councilor of Paris (CPF) and Ian Brossat , chairman of the CPF / PG Council of Paris, then it should lower the voting at the same age.
(...) Unfortunately, the list of what is denied to the youth does not stop there, and that's the problem. No work for her, since "non-employment of youth (or low-cost production: freelancing, internships, freelance) serves as an adjustment variable in the policy of" non-battle "against unemployment. No home no job since (which incidentally is not enough to pay rent, much less to buy a property). No retreat tomorrow, either. And we note with sociologist Louis Chauvel that "the last of the early retirees wealthy baby boomers decide to depletion generations born too late, silent victims of issues where their absence is deliberately organized " ( World of January 3, 2010). Let us remember in this regard the ministers of condescension when protests against pension reform, which referred the little ones (high school, so soon condemned by a court of law) in their studies.
More and more experts, academics, but also young and old alike evoke a "lost generation", as it was "lost generation" after the bloodbath of the first World War. They are right. Young people today have not atoned for the crimes of their fathers in the trenches, they pay for them every day in their studies (degraded, no market) in their work, their health and well- be. It is time to hear them. Considering them as full members of our society and our democracy from 16 years. Not to send some to jail. Not wait for their entry (real) labor (whose average age is declining, it is around 30 years today). Not wait until they are owners (forty years later), or retired (Maybe). Some are asking the youth to better respect them: they would still have to respect the youth.
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