From a tibune Louis Chauvel in The world: "What are the symptoms of this evil-being? The most visible are problems of youth. We know, thirty-five years after the extension of mass unemployment, youth has served as an adjustment variable. Record unemployment, falling wages and living standards, job insecurity, development of pockets of working almost free (internships, freelancing, freelancer, exemption from charges, etc..), A new youth poverty, health problems and low care utilization, no horizon readable.
Within a decade, we have not progressed - that is an understatement. We observe a triple downgrade. First school, youth are now middle class in terms of degrees, but below the working class in terms of revenues. Beyond the value of qualifications, decommissioning is also intergenerational, with an expected increase of social paths descending from parents.
It is also systemic, since the fall of generations, what are their future social rights that are challenged: their human development today, their ability to raise their children tomorrow, and pensions after tomorrow. It is therefore reducing the social system as a whole, not just that of individuals. Above all, a general frustration invades the minds before the accumulation of broken promises: the return to full employment through the retirement of the first-born baby boomers (Teulade report of 1999), better jobs by academic growth in a context where labor alone can no longer shelter. It follows anger, even hatred, which is clearly detected in the youth of 2010 and the movement on pensions has channeled Paradoxically.
Nevertheless, the symptoms, not diagnostic. It is the collective refusal to look at our long term lucid, and profoundly Conservative annuitant of French society as a whole. The behavior of the wealthy French heritage accumulating life insurance and empty homes, like their grandparents squeezed their bullion, is the same reluctance. " article/2011/01/03/les-jeunes-sont-mal-partis_1460368_3232.html ens_id # = 1433180
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