all started Friday, December 17. Bouazizi Mohamed, an unemployed graduate of 26 years, attempts to end his days in sprays himself with gasoline and struck a match on the main square in Sidi Bouzid (center), just outside the prefecture. He intends to protest against the confiscation of his goods by municipal agents and, more generally, against a life of poverty: why go to school, if for sell vegetables at the market. The next day, dozens, then hundreds of young people participating in a sit-in outside the governor's seat. Which makes them chase by police with tear gas and batons. The city ignites, quickly imitated by other towns in the region. The crackdown fueling protests. December 22, another young, Houcine Neji, commits suicide in front of the crowd, Menzel Bouzaiane, by clinging to power lines: "I want no more poverty and unemployment" , Cree Does the crowd. The village comes into convulsions. Protesters burned three police cars, the offices of the Democratic Constitutional Rally (RCD, in power), a National Guard station and a freight train ... On 24, the police fired live ammunition, killing one protester, Mohammed Ammari, 18, hit in the chest. Self-defense argues the police. A second protester, Chawki Hidri, seriously injured, died on 1 st January.
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