The France of Nicolas Sarkozy is the one I present in numbers below. it "does not embody the countryside of France or territories or lands" , it embodies that of the rich and powerful people known as the club Fouquet, happy donors to his presidential campaigns.
Since his election, gifts to the most affluent (amplification of the tax shield) in dubious choice (VAT reduced to 5.5% for food) has continued to raise the French against each others and make an unprecedented social destruction (end of retirement at 60 years of reform 35 hours ...) and we already know he wants to continue removing the ISF and the 35 Hours. Nothing can stop him except the choice of the voters in May 2012.
And I will spare you the many cases that peppered his mandate (Karachi, Bettencourt, Tapie, Clearstream, Michelle Alliot-Marie, Jean Sarkozy, Hortefeux, the legions of honor, friends placed here and there, spying the World), etc. ...
Then I close my eyes and sleep for 15 months and I wake up one sunny morning in May 2012. Unfortunately this is not possible and therefore I will live this nightmare awake too long. And you?
- 928,000 euros on average salaries for the bosses of the CAC40, "the best paid in Europe"
- 39 € billion dividend paid to shareholders
CAC40 companies - 148.8 billion euros in fiscal deficit
in 2010 - 1.5% growth (1.7% in the euro area, Germany 3.6%)
- 51.4 billion trade deficit (foreign trade) in 2010
- 7.836 million of poor people (12% of the French population)
- 4 3 million unemployed persons (categories A, B, C)
- 43% of young men Quatier sensitive
are unemployed - 37% of young women of neighborhoods
are unemployed - 24.2% youth aged 15-24 are unemployed
- 44th in world rankings of freedom of the press
- 9th the classification of human rights in the EU
- 21st out of 65 countries reading
- 22 out of 65 in mathematics
- 27th out of 65 in science
- 34th of 34 countries for the ratios students (6.1 teachers per 100 students)
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