This is not a surprise, Dominique Strauss-Kahn prances led all the polls for many months now.
We know that social and economic failure of the government and the sectarian attitude and contempt for the French Nicolas Sarkozy are to many.
Finally, the distance since 2007, DSK IMF in Washington greatly helps him stick a posture of "savior".
Finally, the distance since 2007, DSK IMF in Washington greatly helps him stick a posture of "savior".
Anatole France said: "Do not lose the past. Only with the past that makes the future"
I would strongly advise optimistic of all stripes, indeed especially the Social Democrats, as polls favor so far from the presidential are never good for the number one ...... who lost for ever!
For the record here are some choice excerpts from April 2006 could be to write almost exactly the same thing in 2011 by changing the names and numbers.
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April 11, 2006 "Dominique de Villepin sets record. He held that the unpopularity of his predecessor at Matignon: Jean-Pierre Raffarin. According to the barometer / Paris Match published Tuesday, the Prime Minister receives only 29% approval rating on his action. "
Given the disaffection of the executive, the left does not benefit the situation imperfectly 54% of French people want winning the next election (+3 points compared to March), against only 40% want the victory of right.
In the duel Nicolas Sarkozy - Ségolène Royal, the president of the Poitou-Charentes leads with 52% of respondents against 47% for Nicolas Sarkozy.
The Socialist Segolene Royal said Tuesday evening on Canal + that it will "likely" candidate for 2007 presidential election "if it continues like now," then we had to ask him about his popularity and the first its place in the polls.
source: TF1News
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So, to those who love to eat couscous with JC Cambadélis, I would advise them willingly to focus on the bottom and on preparing for primary face DSK, we can provide him with some tough opponents Arnaud Montebourg, bright walls and brittle.
Segolene Royal will be part of them, his work on the ground, directly with the French will eventually no doubt, for pay (to read in Intox2007 ). She has learned the lessons of the past, and is strengthened in its work by its large re-election in the regional elections of March 2010 (+ 60% of the vote).
Certainly it prepares to be able to win next fall.
But all that we have plenty of time to talk.
Segolene Royal will be part of them, his work on the ground, directly with the French will eventually no doubt, for pay (to read in Intox2007 ). She has learned the lessons of the past, and is strengthened in its work by its large re-election in the regional elections of March 2010 (+ 60% of the vote).
Certainly it prepares to be able to win next fall.
But all that we have plenty of time to talk.
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